Friday, November 27, 2015

ADF – Parent Action Activity in Bounded Taskflow

(ADF Region trigger parent navigation Control flow )

What if you need to trigger a parent Taskflow activity from ADF region or Child bounded task flow, 

Actually ADF Region could not see parent navigate flow case in a direct way.

Parent action activity is a component in ADF Taskflow components, which allow child bounded Taskflow to generate outcomes that used to navigate throw parent activity rather than child activity

In this example I’ll create Parent Tasflow to preview departments as ADF region . and throw this region we can navigate into parent activity to EmployeesList Taskflow , Employees form page and global navigate page.

let us Start

  1. -          Create new ADF application “ CallPArentActivity”
  2. -          Create BC and create Employees and Departments VOs
  3. -          Create new Bounded Taskflow “Parent-TaskFlowDepartment ”(remove fragment option)
  4. -          Add Parent adf page activity as default (create page)
  5. -          Add “employeesForm” as adf page activity (create page)
  6. -          Add  “ employeesList “  as bounded Taskflow
  7. -          Add “information ”  as adf page activity (create page)

  1. -          Open employeesList bounded Taskflow
  2. -          Add “employeesPgae“ as adf page activity (create a apage)
  3. -          Add return activity
  4. -          Create flow-case “back” from emploeespage to retrun activity
  5. -          Drage employeesVO as table
  6. -          Add button and set action = back

  1. -          Create new bounded Taskflow with fragment Option “departmentTK”
  2. -     Add new  "departmentPage " as adf page activity 
  3. -          Add three Parent action Activities into Taskflow
  4. -          Add three navigation flow from departmentPage to parent Activities
-          goEmployeesList
-          goEmployeesForm
-          goInformation

     4-          set property <Parent Outcome> to refer to Parent outcome we need to trigger
                         parentAction1.PrentOutcome = goList
                   parentAction1.PrentOutcome = goForm
                   parentAction1.PrentOutcome = goInfo

 - Set Action property to Flow case name in DepartmentPage

-  Drag DepartmentTF  as region into parent adf page 

Run and Test .................
now you can trigger parent navigation flow activity from Region or child bounded taskflow 
when you use Parent action activity ...

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